Corporate Training &
Development Programs

Sabah, Malaysia Training Provider
Unleashing Growth, Mastering Challenges: 

UGMC is your catalyst for success!

Team Leadership & Management Skills Training

Effective Leadership & Supervisory Skills Training

 Training Duration: 2 Days

Effective Leadership and Supervisory Skills Training Sabah, Malaysia


The role of supervision has evolved into a multifaceted position, demanding a delicate balance of administrative, technical, and interpersonal skills to serve as a bridge between management and employees.

Training Objectives

Upon successful completion of this 2-day effective leadership and supervisory skills training course, participants will have gained a good understanding on:

Key Topics

Who Should Attend?

This Effective Leadership and Supervisory Skills training course is designed for both experienced and new supervisors who may not have received formal training in leadership, management, and supervision. Additionally, it is suitable for individuals who are on the verge of being promoted to a supervisory position.

Effective Leadership and Supervisory Skills Training Sabah, Malaysia - Spacer
Effective Leadership and Supervisory Skills Training Sabah, Malaysia

Participants in Effective Leadership & Supervision took a group photo with Taidin Suhaimin, the course facilitator, upon completion of the course.

Effective Leadership and Supervisory Skills Training Sabah, Malaysia - Trainer: Taidin Suhaimin
Taidin Suhaimin is a Certified Malaysian HRD Corp. Professional Trainer, Certified Entrepreneurial Mentor, Author, and Motivational Speaker. 
Effective Leadership and Supervisory Skills Training, Kota Kinabalu, Sabah, Malaysia, Trainer: Taidin Suhaimin
Effective Leadership and Supervisory Skills Training Sabah, Malaysia - In-house training inquiry.
Effective Leadership and Supervisory Skills Training, Kota Kinabalu, Sabah, Malaysia, Trainer: Taidin Suhaimin - In-house Training Inquiry
In-house training provides significant opportunities for members of your organization to focus on specific workplace issues.
If you have any inquiries or would like to book us for your next training event, please feel free to contact us, call us at 6 088 497141 or 6 016 8314696, or email us at
Effective Leadership and Supervisory Skills Training Sabah, Malaysia - Spacer.
Effective Leadership and Supervisory Skills Training Sabah, Malaysia - Testimonials.
Effective Leadership and Supervisory Skills Training Sabah, Malaysia - Contact Us
Effective Leadership and Supervisory Skills Training Sabah, Malaysia - Corporate Training

Corporate Training Workshop, Conference Speaking, and Team Building Training Program Pictures